Financial services industry secures documents to reduce costs and increase speed to market
Released on: August 28, 2008, 5:52 am
Press Release Author: Locklizard
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: Lizard Safeguard PDF security software has been adopted by the financial services industry to secure electronic document distribution, resulting in a significant increase in the speed to market of financial information and a greater ROI.
Press Release Body: In today's high speed financial markets, Financial Services organizations are going digital in an effort to provide better, faster services to investors. Investment advice (or the value of your portfolio) are of little value if they don't enable the customer to take timely action.
You can achieve a reasonable degree of confidentiality using secure postal services, but timeliness is more difficult, and you have an internal overhead of printing, packaging and distributing that add to costs without being productive.
And an equally important demand is confidentiality - confidentiality of the portfolio valuation itself, and confidentiality of the investment advice being given, so that other people, not paying for the service, cannot use the advice, perhaps to the disadvantage of the investors.
Enter the LockLizard document protection solution.
Lizard Safeguard PDF Security has been deployed in a number of financial services organizations to increase speed to market, maintain confidentiality, and increase ROI.
Documents to be distributed were already being produced by computer, so it was a small change to have them output in PDF format when that was not already the case.
Email addresses were already available for almost all current customers from the customer administration system, so it was not difficult to extract names and emails for upload into Lizard Safeguard, which is used to protect the pdf documents.
A single publication can be created to enable distribution of trading and investment advice to all current customers. This means that all valid customers are automatically able to read trading advice immediately it is available, and there is no additional administration. These secure documents can be published on the web portal and/or sent by email as the situation requires. Printing is prevented on trading advice documents so that they cannot be redistributed by printing and photocopying. The saving, copying and modifying of protected documents is automatically prevented and screen grabbers cannot run whilst protected documents are being viewed.
Individual portfolio documents can be separately protected for individual customers. That way there are no mistakes about the wrong person getting the wrong information. Validation of the recipient is seamless and automatic. The customer just has to double click on the secure PDF document and Lizard Safeguard does the rest. There are no passwords for users to enter, manage, or forget. For customer specific documents, printing is allowed because the customer may want to maintain paper records, but they are then responsible for their own privacy.
Investment advice and portfolio valuations now arrive in seconds instead of days. So everyone can react faster, and customer service is significantly improved. Urgent bulletins now really do have a sense of urgency. And they can be dealt with wherever the customer has taken their computer. Also, there is no longer a need for an expensive postal management service since protected documents can be published on the web or sent by email without fear of being read by those who are not authorized to do so.
The end result is a win-win situation. Increased flexibility, reduced costs, better customer service, and secure documents on demand, are just some of the advantages the financial services industry has achieved by implementing LockLizard copy protection.
About Lizard Safeguard Document Security
Lizard Safeguard document protection software protects documents published in PDF format with DRM copy controls and US Government strength, AES 256 bit, encryption. It secures documents by preventing copying, modifying, screen grabbing, saving and distribution. In addition the document owner can control whether users can print protected documents, and, if so, how many times. Controls check how documents are used, by whom, for how long, and what can be done with them, in order to enforce copyright and document protection policies.
About LockLizard
LockLizard produce document security, ebook security, copy protection, and web content encryption products that use DRM controls to protect your intellectual property from unauthorized use and misuse. They prevent copying, printing, screen grabbing, and sharing of information without the use of insecure passwords.
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Contact Details: Chris Adams Blue Hayes, Sidmouth, devon, UK, ex108hp
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